Saturday, January 23, 2010

22 Days in

This New Year, as it is lovingly called 20-10 is off to an interesting start. I spoke to a small group of businesses owners this week about how many of us may have had a 'false start' to 2010. We perhaps with ambition and drive rushed into this new year with great expectations only to stumble and fall a few days into our race. Never mind that, we can still jump back up, dust ourselves off and move on from here. We can regain momentum, and take a realistic view of what it really will take to achieve all we have set out to do. Effort, determination and a wiliness to 'earn it' are all important elements on our road to success. My daily reading from accent texts has started well and I do have to say boosts my knowledge and confidence as each day I add to my track record of success. I hope to add Blogging/Vlogging to my weekly agenda and find other new and key habits that will add to my success. Call it putting the "Slight Edge" to work for me, in the end each day we build the future we will one day live in, and I am excited to see what 2010 holds for all of us.

Slight Edge Book By Jon Olsen