Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tips for Better Relaxation

 We call get a little tense or stressed at times. Relaxation is key to finding balance during a busy day. Below are some tips we want to share with you and a link to a two minute relaxation technique video.

Body Position for Relaxation Technique
The 1st step is to sit with your back straight but not tense. If you can, loosen any clothing that feels tight around your waist.
Relaxation Technique
When you inhale, you'll be inhaling slowly through your nose. When you exhale, you'll be exhaling slowly and completely through your mouth. Try it now.
Most of us don't breathe deeply enough. Instead, we're shallow breathers and air only really enters the top part of our lungs. That's especially so for people who wear tight clothing or sit hunched over at the computer.
What we need to do is use the most important muscle used for breathing, our diaphragm. It's a sheet of muscle at the bottom of the lungs.
So, place one hand below your ribs. When you inhale, allow that hand to expand outwards. When you exhale, let that hand fall back to its original position. It may feel strange at first and it takes practice, so be patient with yourself.

Refining Relaxation Technique
The last step is to count. Exhalation should take twice as long as inhalation.
So let's put it all together:
  • Breathe in and count in your head starting from one
  • Breathe out and try to make twice as long
  • So if you counted to three when you inhaled, count to six when you exhale.
    And that's it. When you're beginning, just repeat this 4 or 5 more times and work up from there.
    As you practice this technique, you'll find it becomes more and more effective at relaxing you when you're stressed.
    In the middle of a busy day, it's a nice way to give yourself a small, well-deserved break, to take care of you.

    Posted via email from pritchardortho's posterous

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